Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dearest Expedia, Orbitz, etc

Hi guys, it's me your old buddy Alex.  How are you doing?  I'm fine, thanks for asking.  Hey, I just wanted to have a little chat with you about something important.  You guys have some really great services, and I am really rather addicted to your tools.  For someone as travel-crazy as I am, you're an indispensable tool, and I'd never go back to wasting my time with a travel agent. 


Why in the world do you think it's 1997 with regard to your maps?  Here in 2008, our maps move when you click on them, and resize dynamically.  Whenever I'm using your maps, I click and drag on them automatically and then feel like a frustrated moron when instead of getting additional useful information about the destination I'm interested in, I successfully drag an image of the map to my desktop.  That might have been awesome in 1997 but today it's pretty much unacceptable.

Please fix this.   Thx, your friend, Alex

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Discovered in a 1970s S&P Green Stamps book of "Distinguished Merchandise"

The problem of the ages: SOLVED.

Finally, humanity can use an apparatus with which they can evaluate a far superior bunch of artificial table grapes against a worthless and inferior bunch simply on the basis of weight. Now you and your distinguished family can rest assured, sleeping soundly with the knowledge that your fake grapes are of the highest quality and are of sufficient weight to satisfy even the most discriminating gentleman.